I would like to thank all of you for your remarkable generosity of time, effort and support for InChrist Bible Institute University. Our goal at InChrist Bible Institute is to prepare and train independent thinkers who are confident global ministers because we want to blanket the whole marble planet earth with the fragrance of the word of God.

As you know, in today's world, this unique, precious mission and vision is rare as we believe all have been called, so we each manifest the calling of God in our lives in different ways, bringing different gifts and accepting our different responsibilities.

Even myself, I never imagined I would be called to serve you at InChrist Bible Institute. I didn't even see myself in that role and I'm pretty sure no one else did either but I am here serving you and believe that has always been God's purpose and plan about my life. I for one, did not fully understand the scale and complexity of this position, both the demand it makes and the opportunities it affords.

ICBIU has a wonderful vision from God. The Bible in 2 Tim 2:15 says 'we should study to shew thyself approved unto', Knowledge from the Greek word Epigenesist meaning precise, exact, correct knowledge. After you get born again, you need milk to grow. Reading and studying are very vital aspect to the faith that we have received. A good minister of the gospel pays attention to details. Details concerning the accurate knowledge about Christ suffering, death, resurrection and the glory that follows.

Our faculty and administrative staff are most spirit led, gracious and humble servants I have met, they are outstanding in their respective field of study or area of expertise and yet so approachable, kind and eager to help be serve our students. This makes our institution to be a Christ-centred one with Christocentric and well-grounded staff.

As you discover and develop your God given gifts and talents, there is a robust and friendly faculty and staff ready and excited to help, guide, nurture and support you throughout your journey of learning with us.

I look forward to reaching out to this generation, future leaders and able ministers of God. We welcome you, continue to share the love of Christ.


Professor Lebo Rathedi