Welcome to ICBIU

InChrist Bible Institute University is a family of believers committed to the truth and Bible values, we build a foundation for lifelong learning integrating knowledge with the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is accredited in UK and it has transformed into a dynamic university community of staff and students who comes from diverse backgrounds. InChrist is a Christocentric university, all it's modules are focused on the person of Christ.



To promote God's word through Christ-centred teachings, dedicating ourselves to the pursuit of God's truth in everything we do while preparing able ministers to serve the world in the Name of Jesus Christ.



Christ Centred Education



We commit to honor God by modelling Christ's example of service to community. Our calling as a Christian university is to be a gateway to the world by reintroducing Christ to the world.



To accomplish our mission, InChrist Bible Institute University encourages love for Christ, honoring others and valuing self through: Commitment- creating a well committed learned community that is devoted to the work of ministry, compassionate, kind and reflecting the image of God.

Integrity- Ethical conduct is essential right round, graduating honest and committed able ministers. Everything we do reflect the integrity of our teaching.

Character- With Christ as our example, we create habits of character such as faith, compassion, humility, self-control, gratitude and meekness.

Excellence- Whatever you do, work at it with your whole heart as working for the Lord, not men.

  • Academic Excellence
  • Accept Christ as Personal Savior
  • Know the Bible in concept
  • Work independently without supervision
  • Develop leadership skills, strengths, and need to serve others.
  • Understand Biblical manage for service and ministers
  • Understand a Christian world.
  • Discover your value and worth as one who is created in the image.
  • Demonstrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and fruit of the Spirit.